Shaping the Future Together

Volunteers are an integral part of Caritas's work. They dedicate their time because they care about people facing hardship or needing help. In return, they are richly rewarded: a smile, gratitude, and new perspectives, experiences, or knowledge.

Just like Salih Akmese, who volunteers with youngCaritas. "Since 2019, I have been helping youngCaritas with various campaigns. I've sewn ID card covers, thought up hands-on activities for an event at the zoo, written letters for seniors in a retirement home, and helped with enveloping Christmas wish lists." The motivation behind this young volunteer: "For a common future in this world, we should support people who need help. We are society. Therefore, we have to be the change we want to see!"

Facts and Figures 2023

39.000 People

support Caritas through the digital community engagement platform füreinand‘.

46.000 Volunteers

are engaged with Caritas and parishes.

128.000 Children, Teenagers and Young People

have participated in youngCaritas campaigns and events.

1,142 Actions, Projects and Events

by youngCaritas

2,502 Young People

get involved in the actionPool, the youngCaritas volunteer pool

füreinand‘ - Austria's Community for Humanity

Being there for each other, caring for each other, listening, looking out, and helping when someone is struggling - that's what füreinand' is all about. A highlight in 2023 was the T-shirt design competition, which attracted around 90 creative submissions. The winning design was produced and sold to benefit Caritas women's projects. For the first time, we organized the "Reverse Advent Calendar," where participants collected food and hygiene products in a box throughout Advent to donate them at Christmas. With media support from celebrities and the Kronen Zeitung newspaper, around 4,000 calendars were distributed to Caritas clients across Austria.

The community also provided around 8,000 hours of direct assistance in Caritas facilities and projects. To crown an intensive year, the füreinand' team was delighted to win 2nd place in the "Innovation" category of the Austrian State Prize for Volunteering.

Eine Frau sitzt mit einem Mädchen an einem Schreibtisch, darauf liegen Lernuntensilien.
Drei Frauen mit Kisten gefüllt mit Lebensmitteln und Hygieneartikeln in der Caritas Sozialberatung

Join the youngCaritas actionPool!

Are you between 14 and 29 years old and eager to get socially involved to make the world a better place? Or do you simply want to stay informed about what's happening at youngCaritas? The actionPool is perfect for you! It’s a great way to volunteer whenever you can, without the need for regular commitments. For example, WEGE Wels offers residential care for people recently released from prison, with support from social workers, volunteers, and community service helpers. Currently, they are making elderberry juice for residents and helpers.

Join us:

Ready to Lend a Hand?

We are here to guide you on your journey to becoming a volunteer. Whether you are into spontaneous, digital, or regular volunteering, there are plenty of ways to get involved with Caritas.

Have a look here: 

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