Inclusion of

Interview: ICamp – An Inclusive Vacation Camp
ICamp, an inclusive vacation camp, runs each summer at three locations – Salzburg City, Elsbethen, and Bischofshofen. Children with and without disabilities enjoy exciting vacations, staying from one week to longer periods. About 800 children have participated since the project began in 2018. Evelyn Stampfl, who leads the ICamp project, shares more in this interview:
What makes ICamp special?
ICamp is one of the few inclusive vacation programs for children in the greater Salzburg area, dedicated to promoting participation and raising awareness about people with disabilities. Roughly half of the participating children have disabilities, and the support team caters to their specific needs. All children interact daily with each other, creating an enriching experience for everyone involved.
How is inclusion practiced at ICamp? What does daily life look like?
At ICamp, inclusion means that every child's needs are met, ensuring they enjoy their vacation together in a well-supervised setting. Furthermore, the conditions are tailored: The facilities are fully accessible, and staff members are trained in both educational and caregiving roles. Activities and workshops are customized for each child, with options like horseback riding and nature outings. Each day starts with a morning circle where children gather together. They then proceed to their daily activities, either individually or in groups, and everyone reunites for lunch.

What do the children take away from their time?
Children with disabilities are not isolated in their activities; instead, they gain unique experiences through inclusive support and care. Ultimately, all children in the group benefit from their diversity and interaction. After a few days at ICamp, the children naturally support each other, which is wonderful for us to observe.
How does ICamp support the families of participating children?
The demand for vacation care is constantly increasing, especially among families with children who have disabilities. These families often struggle to find suitable childcare options while balancing their own work and leisure time. ICamp provides relief for the entire family when children are well cared for during the summer. Many families have enrolled their children at ICamp for years and expressed high satisfaction with the program. Such positive feedback motivates us to continue improving.