Self-Determined Towards a Better Future

Early and sustainable integration of people with refugee and migrant backgrounds into the labor market is essential for starting a self-determined life with hope for a better future.

For this to succeed, we demand fairer opportunities for those seeking to establish their lives in Austria. This includes, among other measures, nationwide access to German courses, early and rapid assessment and recognition of existing qualifications, and information tailored to specific groups about the range of educational options.

There are still many obstacles to overcome in this regard, which pose significant challenges for people with migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Facts and Figures 2023

578 Basic Services Facilities

across Austria

6,195 Places

made available to refugees

38,160 People Benefiting From Basic Services

received mobile, regional, and/or outpatient care

Mann sitzt am Schreibtisch, er ist von hinten zu sehen.

The “ProFuture” Caritas project gives solid backing: During their vocational training, particularly in care and nursing professions, participants receive free individual assistance, social counseling, educational mentoring, and learning advice. This intensive support helps them successfully complete their training, empowering them to pursue a self-determined path, both in their careers and beyond.

Success! How Ms. K Regained Her Courage
Ms. K is originally from Kenya and has been living in Vienna for around 10 years. When she contacted ProFuture, she was in her final semester of a bachelor's degree in healthcare and nursing. She had never been so close to her dream, but she faced seemingly insurmountable challenges with her bachelor's thesis. Ms. K was suffering from extreme writer's block, a negative self-image, and strong emotional outbursts. In despair, she decided to drop out of the program.

Feeling overwhelmed, she reached out to ProFuture counseling. In conversations with the social counselor, she was able to share and discuss her worries, which noticeably relieved her. Her fear of failure was also addressed, revealing its origins and helping her to reduce it. Through collaborative, resource-oriented work with her ProFuture consultant, Ms. K experienced self-reflection and empowerment and regained her courage. With newfound motivation, she successfully completed her bachelor's thesis and her degree. This was a big achievement and a strong start for Ms. K in her professional life.

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