When Your Funds Run Out but the Month Carries On. We Help.

Over the past few years, many people have been pushed into existential hardship, and the situation worsened in 2023. The high costs of housing, energy, and food have had a particularly noticeable impact on everyone in Austria, especially on those living on minimum pensions, single parents, and families with several children.

Many people seek assistance from Caritas: We help with paying rent arrears, heating and electricity bills, and ensure that low-income earners do not fall into the cycle of poverty in the first place. Our food distributions and social supermarkets also provide relief to those who have to stretch every euro.

Facts and Figures 2023

71 Social Counseling Centers

in Austria

Around 51,000 Individuals

were advised and/or supported in the Caritas Social Counseling Centers. In total, we have reached 103,000 people living in the same households as those receiving advice.

55 Family Counceling Centers

in Austria

60 Occupational Projects

in Austria

6,547 Jobs

in occupational projects

71 Institutions for the Homeless with 2,526 Beds

offer a roof over their heads.

10 Mother and Child Shelters

providing accommodation for 146 mothers and 188 children.

Caritas-Mitarbeiterin sitzt am Schreibtisch am Computer, sie schaut in die Kamera

The "Wohnschirm-Energie"* support program by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care, and Consumer Protection (BMSPGK) enabled us to offer guidance and financial support to low-income individuals facing energy arrears. Furthermore, through the “Saving Energy at Home: Advice and Appliance Swap” project, funded by the Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), we help people devise personalized energy-saving measures and replace inefficient, costly, large electrical appliances with energy-efficient models.

While essential, this assistance falls short of offering long-term protection against poverty. Hence, we persistently call on policymakers to implement a structural reform of the social welfare system.

Karina: The Reality of a Single Mother

Karina is a single mother of two children. Due to rising costs, she has recently faced financial difficulties. The Caritas social supermarket has been an enormous relief to her!

In the video below, Karina shares her story.

Eine Frau legt Lebensmittel auf das Laufband im Caritas Sozialmarkt.

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