Being a Child Despite War

The war in Ukraine has been raging for over two years, affecting every child in the country in one way or another. To create safe environments for children, Caritas has established safe spaces in 18 schools where they can play and be creative: Here, they can simply be children. Some of these safe spaces are located in basements, offering protection even during bomb alerts. Social workers are present to assist children in adapting to their new circumstances, and therapists are available on-site as well. In the conflict-ridden region of Kharkiv, the creativity center we support provides stability. Through activities like dance and art, families find relief from stress and temporary respite from the war.

In Austria, we support refugee children from Ukraine in some of our Lerncafés and at the Begegnungszentrum Linz (Linz Meeting Center), a collaboration between Caritas and the association “Ukrainische Community in OÖ - Point of Ukraine.” There, children and young people can learn to dance, create arts and crafts, or meet friends.

Facts and Figures 2023

69 Lerncafés

for 1,850 children and young people

780 Volunteers

are actively involved in Lerncafés

970 Children

on the waiting list for a place in a Lerncafé

What does childhood in war mean?

In the video below, we talk about how millions of children in Ukraine are currently experiencing the war. And how we are helping despite the terrible conditions.

Neighbor in Need - Help in Ukraine

As part of the ORF initiative NACHBAR IN NOT (Neighbor in Need), Caritas, along with other aid organizations, has already assisted over 2.3 million people in Ukraine and neighboring countries. In the initial phase of the relief effort, people urgently required emergency shelters, food, hygiene items, and medical care. The current focus includes providing psychosocial support, among other priorities. This support is facilitated, for instance, through 'child friendly spaces' - safe, child-oriented environments - where children and their families can briefly find solace while engaging in play.

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