How Business Partners Stepped Up in 2022: Assisting Ukraine
Established partnerships with companies and foundations play a crucial role in Caritas' aid to people in need. In times of disaster, Caritas can count on these partners.
Assuming social responsibility in society has become a practiced commitment for many national and international businesses and foundations. Business partners make a sustainable contribution to improving the lives of disadvantaged children, families in need, single parents, displaced individuals, people with disabilities, and those requiring care. During major crises like the Ukraine emergency in 2022, Caritas relied on dependable partners who were willing to offer immediate, effective support, both in the short term and for the medium and long term

The war in Ukraine intensified the suffering of millions of people. The extensive local Caritas network in Ukraine and neighboring countries, coupled with three decades of on-the-ground experience, and facilitated by the swift provision of donations, including contributions from the business community, enabled us to deliver aid in the most critical areas during the acute emergency situation. We distributed essential resources, including food, heating materials, and hygiene items, and established shelters and Child-Friendly Spaces for children. Additionally, we offered care for the elderly in the most remote villages.
Overall, we provided assistance to around 4 million individuals, delivering a range of support including 552 tons of relief supplies. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our partners in the corporate and foundation sectors for their invaluable support!
Many thanks
to our partners in companies and foundations for their invaluable support! They enable us to provide rapid assistance in emergency situations, create better prospects for the long term, and inspire hope.
Caritas Partners 2022
A1 | ADLER-Werk Lackfabrik | BAWAG Group | BILLA | BIPA | Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft | Coca-Cola Austria | Deichmann | dennree Naturkost | DM | Erste Bank und Sparkassen | Global Giving | goood mobile | H. Stepic CEE Charity | Hoerbiger | HOFER KG | Hutchison Drei Austria | IKEA Österreich | impactory | Jö Bonus Club | KPMG | KRONEN Zeitung | Lenzing Papier | Libro | Lidl | Loop | Mars Austria | Mondi | Nivea | ÖBV | Pagro | Penny Markt Österreich | Pearle | Pro Sieben Sat 1 Puls 4 | Procter & Gamble Austria | REWE International | Rexel Austria | S IMMO | Schelhammer & Schattera | Schiefer RA GmbH | The Coca Cola Foundation | The UK Online Giving Foundation | UniCredit Bank Austria | Unilever | VERBUND | Wiener Städtische | Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein | XXXLutz
Ukraine Emergency Aid 2022
Aldi Süd | Alves GmbH | BAWAG Group | Bundesbeschaffung | Biomay AG | B&W Werbeartikel | Charities Aid Foundation America | Deichmann | DM | Elevate Consulting GmbH | Erste Bank und Sparkassen | Gebauer & Griller | Global Giving | H. Stepic CEE Charity | Hagleitner | HOFER KG | Hutchison Drei Austria | IGLO Austria | IGP Generatoren GmbH | IKEA Österreich | JTI | Kiechel & Hagleitner GmbH | Krenhof GmbH | Lenhard GmbH | Lobmaier Datentechnik GmbH | LOG&IT GmbH | L'Osteria | Metro | OMV | Österreichischer Frauenlauf | Pankl AG | Raiffeisen Bausparkasse | RBF | S IMMO | Schiefer RA GmbH | SetSail Consulting GmbH | Signa Real Estate | SPAR | Technische Alternative RT GmbH | The Coca Cola Foundation | VERBUND | Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein
Funken Wärme 2022
A1 | Alfred Vesely Timber-Export | Almdudler | Bäckerei Mann | BAWAG Group | Berndorf Privatstiftung | BILLA | Coca-Cola Austria | Energie Steiermark | ERGO Versicherung | EVN | E-Wirtschaft Österreich | Fressnapf | Fussl Modestraße | Generali Versicherung AG | Goldgas | Haas & Sohn | Hudej Zinshäuser | Kelag | Kellner&Kunz AG | Kotanyi | KRONEN Zeitung | Kulturverein der Wiener Jungrauchfangkehrer | Lidl | Manner | Mindworker Kommunikationsagentur | Oberbank | OBI | Ögussa | OMV | Österreichische Lotterien | Österreichische Post | Püspök | Landesinnung der Wiener RAuchfangkehrer /WKW | RBI | Robert Bosch AG/Buderus | S IMMO | Salzburg AG | Salzburger Rauchfangkehrer | Snap Consulting | SPAR | Ströck | Testo GmbH | UniCredit Bank Austria | VERBUND | Wien Energie | Wien Holding | Wiener Linien | Wiener Städtische | WKO | XXXLutz | Zgonc
Likewise, we would like to extend our appreciation to all the other corporate donors who are not listed here. Every contribution, large or small, helps people in need. We are deeply grateful for any form of support that contributes to making a positive difference in the lives of others.